Source code for as3ninja.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
AS3 Ninja CLI module

# pylint: disable=C0330 # Wrong hanging indentation before block
# pylint: disable=C0301 # Line too long

import json
import sys
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

import click
import yaml
from loguru import logger

from . import __version__
from .declaration import AS3Declaration
from .exceptions import AS3ValidationError
from .gitget import Gitget
from .schema import AS3Schema
from .templateconfiguration import AS3TemplateConfiguration
from .utils import deserialize, failOnException

LOG_STDERR = logger.bind(task="stderr")
LOG_STDOUT = logger.bind(task="stdout")
    format="<red>{level}: {message}</red>",
    filter=lambda record: record["extra"]["task"] == "stderr",
    format="<blue>{level}:</blue> <green>{message}</green>",
    filter=lambda record: record["extra"]["task"] == "stdout",

[docs]def _output_declaration( as3declaration: AS3Declaration, output_file: Any, pretty: bool, ): """ Function to output the transformed declaration """ if output_file: output_file.write(as3declaration.json()) else: if pretty: print(json.dumps(as3declaration.dict(), indent=4, sort_keys=True)) else: print(as3declaration.json())["-h", "--help"])) @click.version_option(version=__version__) def cli() -> None: """AS3 Ninja CLI commands and command groups.""" @cli.command() @click.option( "-t", "--declaration-template", required=False, type=click.File("r"), help="Declaration Template file used for transformation (Jinja2 producing JSON)", ) @click.option( "-c", "--configuration-file", required=False, multiple=True, type=click.Path(), help="Template Configuration file(s) to parameterize the Declaration Template (multiple files allowed)", ) @click.option( "-o", "--output-file", required=False, type=click.File("w"), help="Output file, STDOUT is used otherwise", ) @click.option( "--validate/--no-validate", required=False, default=True, is_flag=True, help="Validate/do not validate the generated AS3 Declaration against the AS3 JSON Schema (validate is the default)", ) @click.option( "--pretty", required=False, default=False, is_flag=True, help="Pretty print JSON (when printed to STDOUT)", ) @failOnException @LOG_STDERR.catch(reraise=True) def transform( declaration_template: Any, configuration_file: Optional[Any], output_file: Union[str, None], validate: bool, # pylint: disable=W0621 # Redefining name 'validate' from outer scope pretty: bool, ): """Render AS3 Declaration from local files. Transforms a Declaration Template using the Template Configuration file(s) to an AS3 Delcaration. It is then validated against the AS3 JSON Schema unless validation is disabled. If no Declaration Template is specified, it is read from the Template Configuration (as3ninja.declaration_template). If no Template Configuration is specified, the first default configuration file (ninja.json, ninja.yaml, ninja.yml). The file is expected to be in the CWD. """ template = "" if declaration_template: template = as3tc = AS3TemplateConfiguration(template_configuration=configuration_file) as3declaration = AS3Declaration( declaration_template=template, template_configuration=as3tc.dict() ) if validate: as3s = AS3Schema() as3s.validate(declaration=as3declaration.dict()) _output_declaration(as3declaration, output_file=output_file, pretty=pretty) @cli.command() @click.option( "-t", "--declaration-template", required=False, type=click.Path(), help="Declaration Template file used for transformation (Jinja2 producing JSON)", ) @click.option( "-c", "--configuration-file", required=False, multiple=True, type=click.Path(), help="Template Configuration file(s) to parameterize the Declaration Template (multiple files allowed)", ) @click.option( "-o", "--output-file", required=False, type=click.File("w"), help="Output file, STDOUT is used otherwise", ) @click.option( "--validate/--no-validate", required=False, default=True, is_flag=True, help="Validate/do not validate the generated AS3 Declaration against the AS3 JSON Schema (validate is the default)", ) @click.option( "--pretty", required=False, default=False, is_flag=True, help="Pretty print JSON (when printed to STDOUT)", ) @click.option("--repository", required=True, help="Git repository") @click.option("--branch", required=False, default=None, help="Git branch to use") @click.option( "--commit", required=False, default=None, help="Git commit id or HEAD~<int>" ) @click.option("--depth", required=False, default=None, help="Git clone depth") @failOnException @LOG_STDERR.catch(reraise=True) def git_transform( # pylint: disable=R0913 # Too many arguments declaration_template: Optional[str], configuration_file: Optional[List], output_file: Union[str, None], validate: bool, # pylint: disable=W0621 # Redefining name 'validate' from outer scope pretty: bool, repository: str, branch: Union[str, None], commit: Union[str, None], depth: Optional[int], ): """Render AS3 Declaration from Git Repository. Clones the Git repository with the specified options and then transforms the Declaration Template using the Template Configuration file(s) to an AS3 Delcaration. It is then validated against the AS3 JSON Schema unless validation is disabled. If no Declaration Template is specified, it is read from the Template Configuration (as3ninja.declaration_template). If no Template Configuration is specified, the first default configuration file (ninja.json, ninja.yaml, ninja.yml). The file is expected to be in the root of the Git repository. """ with Gitget( repository=repository, branch=branch, commit=commit, depth=depth ) as gitrepo: as3tc = AS3TemplateConfiguration( template_configuration=configuration_file, base_path=f"{gitrepo.repodir}/", overlay={"as3ninja": {"git":}}, ) if declaration_template is not None: with open(f"{gitrepo.repodir}/{declaration_template}", "r") as template: declaration_template = as3declaration = AS3Declaration( template_configuration=as3tc.dict(), declaration_template=declaration_template, jinja2_searchpath=gitrepo.repodir, ) if validate: as3s = AS3Schema() try: as3s.validate(declaration=as3declaration.dict()) except AS3ValidationError as exc: LOG_STDERR.error( "Validation failed for AS3 Schema version: {}", as3s.version, feature="f-strings", ) if exc.context: for subexc in exc.context: "\n{}\n", subexc, feature="f-strings", ) raise exc _output_declaration(as3declaration, output_file=output_file, pretty=pretty) @cli.command() @click.option( "-d", "--declaration", required=False, type=click.File("r"), help="AS3 Declaration file (JSON) to validate", ) @click.option( "-v", "--version", required=False, default="latest", help="AS3 Schema version to use for validation (e.g. 3.16.0)", ) @failOnException @LOG_STDERR.catch(reraise=True) def validate( declaration: str, version: Optional[str], ): """Validate an AS3 Declaration against the AS3 JSON Schema. If no version is specified, the latest available version is used.""" as3s = AS3Schema(version=version) _declaration = deserialize( try: as3s.validate(declaration=_declaration) "Validation passed for AS3 Schema version: {}", as3s.version, feature="f-strings", ) except AS3ValidationError as exc: LOG_STDERR.error( "Validation failed for AS3 Schema version: {}", as3s.version, feature="f-strings", ) if exc.context: for subexc in exc.context: "\n{}\n", subexc, feature="f-strings", ) raise exc["-h", "--help"])) def schema() -> None: """Group of AS3 Schema related commands.""" pass @schema.command() @failOnException @LOG_STDERR.catch(reraise=True) def update(): """Update AS3 JSON Schemas from Github.""" as3s = AS3Schema() as3s.updateschemas() as3s_new = AS3Schema() if as3s.version != as3s_new.version: click.echo( f"Updated AS3 JSON Schemas from version:{as3s.version} to:{as3s_new.version}", ) else: click.echo( f"AS3 JSON Schemas are up-to-date, current version:{as3s.version}", ) @schema.command() @click.option( "--text", "output_format", flag_value="text", help="Format output as text.", default=True, ) @click.option( "--json", "output_format", flag_value="json", help="Format output as JSON.", ) @click.option( "--yaml", "output_format", flag_value="yaml", help="Format output as YAML.", ) @failOnException @LOG_STDERR.catch(reraise=True) def versions(output_format): """Prints all available AS3 JSON Schema versions.""" as3s = AS3Schema() if output_format == "text": click.echo("\n".join(as3s.versions)) elif output_format == "json": click.echo(json.dumps({"as3_schema_versions": as3s.versions})) elif output_format == "yaml": click.echo(yaml.safe_dump({"as3_schema_versions": as3s.versions}))