Source code for as3ninja.jinja2.filterfunctions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module holds Jinja2 functions which also work as filters.

# pylint: disable=C0330 # Wrong hanging indentation before block
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import base64
import hashlib
import json
import os
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from uuid import uuid4

from jinja2 import pass_context
from jinja2.runtime import Context

from .j2ninja import J2Ninja

[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def b64encode(data: Union[str, bytes], urlsafe: bool = False) -> str: """Accepts a string and returns the Base64 encoded representation of this string. `urlsafe=True` encodes string as urlsafe base64 """ if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode("ascii") if urlsafe: b64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data) return b64.decode("ascii") b64 = base64.b64encode(data) return b64.decode("ascii")
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def b64decode(data: Union[str, bytes], urlsafe: bool = False) -> Union[str, bytes]: """Accepts a string and returns the Base64 decoded representation of this string. `urlsafe=True` decodes urlsafe base64 """ if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode("ascii") if urlsafe: b64 = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data) else: b64 = base64.b64decode(data) try: return b64.decode("ascii") except UnicodeDecodeError: return b64
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction @pass_context def readfile(ctx: Context, filepath: str, missing_ok: bool = False) -> str: """Reads a file and returns its content as ASCII. Expects the file to be a ASCII (not utf8!) encoded file. `missing_ok=True` prevents raising an exception when the file is missing and will return an empty string (default: missing_ok=False). """ path_prefix: str = "" if isinstance(ctx, Context): path_prefix = ctx.parent.get("jinja2_searchpath", "") try: with open(path_prefix + filepath, "rb") as filehandle: content = return content.decode("ascii") except OSError: if missing_ok: return "" raise
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def jsonify(data: str, quote: bool = True) -> str: """serializes data to JSON format. ``quote=False`` avoids surrounding quotes, For example: .. code-block:: jinja "key": "{{ ninja.somevariable | jsonify(quote=False) }}" Instead of: .. code-block:: jinja "key": {{ ninja.somevariable | jsonify }} """ if quote: return json.dumps(data) jsonified = json.dumps(data) return jsonified[1:-1]
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def to_list(data: Any) -> list: """Converts ``data`` to a list. Unlike ``list`` it will not convert ``str`` to a list of each character but wrap the whole ``str`` in a list. Does not convert existing lists. For example: .. code-block:: jinja "virtualAddresses": {{ ninja.virtual_addresses | to_list | jsonify }}, If ``ninja.virtual_addresses`` is a list already it will not be nested, if it is a string, the string will be placed in a list. Another example using the python REPL: .. code-block:: python ( to_list("foo bar") == ['foo bar'] ) == True # strings ( to_list(["foo", "bar"]) == ['foo', 'bar'] ) == True # existing lists ( to_list(245) == [245] ) == True # integers """ if isinstance(data, (str, int)): return [data] return list(data)
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def env(env_var: str, default: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None) -> str: """Reads an environment variable and returns its value. Use ``default`` to specify a default value in case the environment variable does not exist, Empty environment variables will return an empty string. Examples: .. code-block:: jinja {# using env as a filter #} "HOME_DIR": "{{ 'HOME' | env }}" .. code-block:: jinja {# using env as a function #} {% set home_dir = env("HOME") %} {% set temp_dir = env("TEMPDIR", default="/tmp") %} """ return str(os.getenv(env_var, default=default))
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def uuid(_=None) -> str: """Returns a UUID4""" return str(uuid4())
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def sha1sum(data: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: """ Returns the hash as a hexdigest of ``data``. ``data`` is automatically converted to bytes, using backslashreplace for utf8 characters. """ return hashfunction(data=data, hash_algo="sha1", digest_format="hex")
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def sha256sum(data: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: """ Returns the hash as a hexdigest of ``data``. ``data`` is automatically converted to bytes, using backslashreplace for utf8 characters. """ return hashfunction(data=data, hash_algo="sha256", digest_format="hex")
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def sha512sum(data: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: """ Returns the hash as a hexdigest of ``data``. ``data`` is automatically converted to bytes, using backslashreplace for utf8 characters. """ return hashfunction(data=data, hash_algo="sha512", digest_format="hex")
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def md5sum(data: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: """ Returns the hash as a hexdigest of ``data``. ``data`` is automatically converted to bytes, using backslashreplace for utf8 characters. """ return hashfunction(data=data, hash_algo="md5", digest_format="hex")
[docs]@J2Ninja.registerfilter @J2Ninja.registerfunction def hashfunction( data: Union[str, bytes], hash_algo: str, digest_format: str = "hex" ) -> Union[str, bytes]: """ Returns the digest of ``data`` for hash algorithm ``hash_algo``. The digest is returned as hex by default, but can be returned as binary as well (``digest_format``) Check the `hashlib documentation`_ of your python version for supported hash functions. :param hash_algo: hash algorithm :param digest_format: Digest format to return. Either `hex` (default) or `binary`. .. _`hashlib documentation`: For the variable length shake digest, 256 bits are returned. .. code-block:: jinja {% set whirlpool_hexdigest = hashfunction("fun with hashes", "whirlpool") %} {# value of whirlpool_hexdigest is "ce38f0a536e71b5b0758932c1d5f32d2ab6cc5bff9f02fb7c97a70291d45efa4516d4e3d99000956587c7c9f691f64b3444a91661d45f526552a9e2d42428b09" # note that whirlpool is not a guaranteed hash function, hence might not be available on all platforms #} """ if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode("utf-8") hash_function =, data) if digest_format == "hex": # use hexdigest method of hash_function hash_function_digest = getattr(hash_function, "hexdigest") elif digest_format == "binary": # use binary digest method of hash_function hash_function_digest = getattr(hash_function, "digest") else: raise ValueError( f"digest_format:{digest_format} is unknown. digest_format must be either `hex` or `binary`." ) if hash_algo.startswith( "shake_" ): # shake is a variable length digest, return 256 bits return hash_function_digest(32) # type: ignore[call-arg] return hash_function_digest()